Diamonds in the Rough  Available in Ebook, Audible and Hard-copy

Many us get put into the wrong categories because others see only the rough surface that meets the human eye. They don’t take the time to look at the potential and see what we can become. In truth, we are all worthy, precious jewels, in the eyesight of the Lord. He knows the tremendous potential that is in each one of us. As humans, we are just like the rock that is being formed into the diamond itself; it sometimes breaks into pieces in the midst of the making. Those pieces of carbon go through a lot, just like us being transformed into a diamond. Like a diamond in the rough, there is some work that must be done to remove the flaws and imperfections in us so that we can allow God to shape, cut, mold, and polish us to identify our purpose and ultimate destiny in his Kingdom.Click to buy it on Amazon